Cartooning For Kids/ Birthday Party

Cartooning For Kids with Mr. DanNie

Click here to see our talented kids.

Students need to bring their own drawing paper, black pencils, colored pencils, and sharpie pens.

These supplies can be purchased at Michael's or A.C. Moore.

About the workshop:

This is a 1 to 2 hours workshop for kids of all ages. We encourage parents to join with their kids at the workshop.

Mr. DanNie will show kids how they can draw cartoons and caricatures with simple techniques. He also will speak to the parents about why encouraging children to draw can enhance their creativity, a powerful skill that will be useful to them when they are grown, facing this competitive world.

During the workshop, you will enter the fun and exciting world of cartooning and draw from your unlimited imagination. Instruction will cover technical methods that will teach students to draw better and enjoy artistic expression. Students will study perspectives, coloring, compositions, and basic pen-and-ink techniques for cartooning and caricature drawings. You will hear the sound of laughter throughout the room, and you will learn how to express your humor in creative ways.

The artist also will demonstrate his amazing art form on how to turn the letters from your name into a cheerful caricature that also can be made into a pendant.

For information about art lessons or see DanNie's artwork please visit: then click Art Lesson.

To book a birthday party, 

please send your inquiry to or call 704-574-1815.

This art textbook is highly recommended to all students. It is available on Amazon. Click here to learn more. 

To contact the artist: or 704-574-1815

You got the right place!

Please click here to see some cartoons created by our students.

To visit DanNie Studio please click here: DanNie Art Lessons

About the Instructor:

Daniel Nie is a full-time artist. living in Belmont community in Northern Va.

Nie received his Master of Fine Arts from American University, D.C., and BA in Art from Wake Forest University. With 25 years of teaching experience, he has taught art at St. Andrews Presbyterian College. Piedmont Community college and N.C. Governor's School. He was the recipient of the Sam Ragan NC Fine Arts Award in 2000.

Artist Daniel Nie has given private art lessons for more than 25 years and understands the frustrations that most students face. He has gathered here the answers to questions that his many students have most frequently asked.

With the author's conversational format and focus on the artistic essentials of drawing, painting, and sculpting, we think you will find this book to be an invaluable self-study guide for studio art.

Along with the author's format and focus, the practical tips and illustrations included in this book may even make you feel that artist Daniel Nie is right there with you, guiding you through every step of your training.


Please contact the artist Daniel Nie. Thank you for your support.

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