Lesson 3: Your Name in Chinese (click here)


1_ One more Pinyin Table to learn. You are practicing your pronunciations: zhi, chi, shi, etc.  (click here) 

2_ Increasing your vocabulary: 

Zao3 shang4 hao3 (Good morning); zhai4 jian4 (Goodbye) - download the above files to practice the pronunciation.

3_ Tell the teacher what you would like to learn. How about getting your name translated into Chinese? (A fun activity of learning how to write your Chinese name; you can color it, afterward. ) 

e.g. My name is Jack, Wo3 de ming2 zi4 shi4  Jie2ke4

4_ Practicing new words with the teacher. Kids teaching each other

5_ Little Screentime: Learn to sing: Zao shang hao(Good morning) (click here) 


Please contact the artist Daniel Nie. Thank you for your support.

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