Lesson 1: Chinese Pinyin alphabets/ Greetings (click here to enter the class)


1)_Review and New 

How to pronounce: a - o - e; i - u - ü  (read after me); 
Practicing 4 tones: a_ 1, 2, 3, 4

2)_Chinese drilling: xiao(3) peng(2) you(3)  hao(3); lao(3)  shi(1) hao(3)
(please download the audio files listed above)

3)_Classroom interaction: role play in class
(Little Screen Time) -----> Learn to say a few things (click here)
4)_Writing and Drawing: introducing Chinese characters: creative drawings inspired by Chinese writings. (e.g. Ma(1) === MOTHER)

Learn Additional words: 

big brother is ge1 ge; big sister is jie3 jie; 
little brother is di4 di; little sister is mei4 mei


Please contact the artist Daniel Nie. Thank you for your support.

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