Order Form for Contemporary Style Pendant


Pendant Order Form (LE):   704-574-1815           www.DanielNie.com 

Your Name:__________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________Tel#:_________________________ 

Your Adress:___________________________________________________________

Your Email:____________________________________________________________  

Please email your questions or order to: danielnie@aol.com

$99 each . Up to 2 names on 1 pendant. $19 per 18" chain

Name(s) on Pendant:____________________________________(print) 

If you already have the design / Name Coolligraphy, please attach the image with 

this form ( you also can send your image via texting to 704-574-1815)

 ( Please view website to know the Shape ____we have round 27mm only at this time)

Chain (pease indicate, optional) __________________silver/gold  finish _________________

Total your cost: Pendant(s): $______________; Chain(s): $________________. 

Special design please add $19: $____________; 

+ Sales Tax (6%)____________; 

Shipping $15.90: $__________. 

Total:$_______________. Paid by credit card________, check_________, cash______. *__________________

Credit card #:_________________________ ; Exp date (mm/yy):____________; V -code:________; 

Billing zip code: ________


If you have questions, please text the artist at 704-574-1815      Thanks!


Please contact the artist Daniel Nie. Thank you for your support.

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